Tuesday, 27 November 2012

RESEARCH - Thriller opening

A thriller pretty much always starts with the production companies showing their logos. The intro should be used to create suspense, this is done mainly through music. The type of music that is played can really give the reader an idea of what sub-genre the film is. The intro of a thriller usually involves creative cuts and camera work, for example in the opening for 'Mesrine', different shots of the same person have been edited in the same frame. The speed of the the cutting also creates suspense in the sense that the faster it is then the more thrilling (lol) it is.Throughout an intro it is very common to see producers, directors and stars' names going through the screen in different ways for example fading or scrolling down.

The man in the picture is Jacques Mesrine. The intro is in the video below. I uploaded this because i like the way it is edited. There are multiple camera shots in the same frame, so there is a sort of template with squares in which the different clips are put in. It shows a character in different time periods but in the space of about 20-30 second. So this compresses the characters actions in the space of half a minute to about 5 second. I like this because it shows all of the suspense in the characters face in several different moments in a short period of time.

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