Monday 4 February 2013



After the group thought about who each person would portray as a character we decided on certain outfits, during our thriller opening not at any point do we produce any dialogue. Therefore we knew it was important for each of our costumes to reflect our characters and portray their personalities as much as possible. 
  • For myself and Orries character we agreed on quite flimsy and not very well presented clothes as to when we are inside the trap house. For Ians character we thought it was appropriate for him to wear a suite to represent his wealth and status, and as for Lukes character we settled on tracksuit bottoms and a casual t-shirt.

This will be the top for Orries character 

Bottoms for Orries character

The t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms and shirt over the top Luke will be wearing

The shoes Luke will also be wearing 
As for the photographs of Ian and Sophies character they were currently unavailable and were not uploading from the mac however they will be shown in our pitch presentation.


After the whole group looked at all the essential props used in most crime thrillers we all agreed on the props we are going to need; Briefcase, Cigarette,lamp and a bag of flour to portray the cocaine. We decided on these props as we thought it would give the sense of realism and everyday life which would attract our target audience as they are able to relate to these everyday props. 

Skills we have learnt so far

Throughout the time of preparing for our thriller, we have learnt many key skills which have increased out confidence in producing our own thriller opening.

Some of these include:

  • Editing- we have learnt how to edit clips on Final Cut Pro to make our work look more professional as oppose to something looking amateur. For example, a task I can remember is being given a series of clips to the opening of Arlington Road, which we had to put in order and then make our own by adding credits and a soundtrack, this gave me, and my group a better understanding of how we should put our film together. 

  • How to use a video camera- me and my group learnt the basics of how to use a video camera. We were able to obtain a better knowledge of how to use the camera when making our shot by shot remake of Reservoir Dogs. 

  • Music programme- me and my group learnt how to use the music programme and how to make an effective soundtrack for anything we made. More specifically, on our piece of work where we had to have a conversation between two people, we realised that we had not finished the whole clip, yet we had made the soundtrack. So we learnt how to copy the soundtrack onto the final completed clip and make it so that the clip and the soundtrack are still in time with each other

Pictures of thriller sets

For our Thriller opening we will be using three main locations.The first day of filming will take place at the second location which is Ians house, this is for the filming of the trap house scenes which is suitable as the room is dark with a lamp and quite minimalistic which will allow for different camera shots/movements. 

The second day of filming was in a public area being filmed on Greville St and Holborn circus. This will be for the scenes shot outside of Ians character being introduced and receiving a phone call. 

Their is also a possibility that quite a bit of filming will take place inside some flats using the staircase, if this is the case this will be a jeygrove court Hatton gardens. 

Thriller locations

The trap house room will be at:

44 islington park street

The streets the man with the briefcase will be walking on will be :

Greville street, leather lane and Holborn circus

The staircase and corridors will be at:

Jeygrove court 101 hatton garden

Institutional Detail

Which film company would produce our movie?

After doing some research into what film companies have produced what thriller, the company Miramax seems best suited for the film.

This is because our film comes under the sub genre of Crime Thriller, and a lot of the top crime thriller movies have been produced by Miramax. For example the films, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction have been voted as two of the top crime thriller films of all time and they both were produced by Miramax. Both of these films are made by Quentin Tarantino. As a director he has inspired our group as our first practical film opening that we made was the opening to Reservoir Dogs, which came out very positively, so this is another reason as to why this production company is best suited to our film opening.

In terms of PDE, Miramax is a major independent production company and is able to negotiate distribution deals on a worldwide basis. It is able to sell the rights to films across a number of territories and therefore raise significant amounts of money for production. Miramax has contacts worldwide with major distribution companies which not only guarantee the raising of money for production but also enables the completed film to be shown to a paying audience. Miramax can also ensure that the film is sold to DVD, VOD and ensure tie-ins with advertising and sponsorship in order to make as much money as possible.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Preliminary ideas about sound


As the man is awaiting the call, slightly fast music will be played reasonable quietly. As it cuts between the man and the drug dealer the music will become louder and faster. The sound of the man's footsteps and him knocking on the door will be added. As the man knocks on the door for the final time, the music stops and echos on slightly. Then different music starts as the title appears. This music will be much slower and in a minor key to make the situation seem more serious.

We may also be using some foley sounds such as footsteps and the knocking on the door, this can be done by repeating the sounds we made in timing with the footage but purposely for the sound.

This soundtrack may be useful for something a lot more 'dramatic' and would seem as if it would be used more for a horror film then a crime thriller.

Treatment of thriller and thriller opening


Brief outline of the film

Gregory Sterling is one of the richest business men in Londons financial market. Like many other people who's lives are heavily influenced by money he has a terrible addiction to cocaine. He trusts his personal assistant and trusty body guard, Kevin Barrett, to procure him the cocaine that he desires. One day Kevin is on his way to a major drug deal when everything goes wrong. Police storm the building and Kevin narrowly escapes. Now on the run from the Police and overly suspicious drug dealers he turns to Gregory Sterling to help him, but at the risk of his addiction becoming public, Gregory turns his back to him. Kevin must face angered criminals and the law, alone.

Brief outline of intro

A man is standing in a street with a suitcase on his own, awaiting a call from an anonymous person. He receives the call and begins to make his way to an undisclosed location. Meanwhile at the location a drug dealer is preparing cocaine for the deal. The man with the suitcase makes his way into the building and walks up a staircase. It cuts between the man walking up the stairs and the drug dealer applying final touches to the cocaine. The man approaches the door to the drug dealers house and knocks on the door. On the third knock the screen cuts to black and the title of the movie appear on the screen.