Friday 8 March 2013

Constructing Titles


We changed the titles at the last minute in order to make it more aesthetically pleasing. We did this by choosing a new font called Base 02 and we decided to make it flicker in order to show the dodgyness of the situation.
 There was trouble because we the titles would run over the next scenes to it was quite time consuming to make all the titles shorter.We've changed the size so its more easy to read as the font is sort of unclear.
-We put the ident first which was candi media 
- Then we put the main star which was Ian
- After went the second important in the movie which was luke 
- And after that we had the two less important characters , Orrie Jimack and Sophie Larkin-Tannetta
- The producer was put next which was Max Walker
- Then we put editing by Emma Smith
- Music is by Ian Keserue
- Then lastly we have the director who is Tom Carroll

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