Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Production schedual

Before we started to film , our group made a production schedule to keep up on track with what needed to be done before hitting our deadline.Personally we think we stuck very well to our schedule , we got the drug house scene filmed all on the Thursday like planned. However although we got the scene of Ian walking done on Tuesday like planned , there were some complications as some of our footage came out blurry so instead of spending the Saturday focusing on the drug scene again , we were able to use that day to re film Ian's scene which was more convenient as we had extra scenes to use and were able to choose the best to put in.

Once all filming was finished we began editing on the days stated .We found the editing difficult as our scenes kept getting lost so it was time consuming to redo them but due to our free week for evaluating, we were able to use some of those days as editing took longer than planned and still be on track to get everything finished by the deadline.

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