Tuesday 12 March 2013

Evaluation Question 1

The general conventions of a film opening include

  • Lasting 2 minutes 
  • Introduce main characters
  • Establishes the main scene
  • Usually non diegetic sound
  • Key event will occur
Conventions of a thriller film opening
  • Fast editing/cuts
  • Draw audience in 
  • non diegetic music usually matches theme of the film opening 
  • Tracking and Pan shots commonly used 

The general order of titles for an opening

  • Ident
  • Main Actor
  •  Title (can be after the stars or at the end)
  • Other actors
  • Crew
  • Director

Timeline in order for our film 'pushers' titles

The timeline for the opening of Titanic, shows how it generally follows the order for the titles

Conventions used in our thriller

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