Tuesday 12 March 2013

Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our thriller is associated with three different social groups, these being business men, drug dealers and lower class girls who dedicate their lives to using recreational drugs. 

My character is a drug dealer, who is portrayed as lower class due to his scruffy appearance, plain room and quite a run-down block of flats. My character represents the kind of typical drug dealer, in a sense that although he may have money, he's quite concealing about his identity, which may be why his mise en scene appears to be lower class.

Ian's character is meant to be seen as quite middle class, due to his suit and briefcase, also in the scene where he is waiting for the phone call, he is standing outside a jewellery store, which slyly hints to the audience the theme of wealth and social class within his character.

Much like my character, the drug dealer, Orrie and Sophie's characters who are meant to be seen as intoxicated women are also seen as working class for similar reasons to my character.

These are some words that are associated with our film, which are mostly to do with social class.

Ian's character is portrayed in a positive way due to his clothing (suit), this makes his look wealthy. In contrast to this, my character and Orrie and Sophie are portrayed in a negative way, my character looks scruffy and Orrie and Sophie look quite revealing.

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Here are some words/objects that also present social class, we can see the type of clothing, objects that are used (briefcase) and also the location and scenery.

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