Tuesday 12 March 2013

Evaluation question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventions commonly found in a thriller opening:

  • Non-diegetic music plays loudly throughout action scenes
  • The sounds/music should match the pace of the opening
  • Fast editing should match the pace of the opening to create tension
  • Characters are normally introduced
  • Shouldn't give away to much
Below is the opening for 'Se7en'. It is a stylised and discrete opening. One convention found in this opening is that non-diegetic sounds play at a similar pace to the opening. For example a reasonably slow paced drum beat plays throughout the opening.

Conventions of title sequences:

  • Ident(s)
  • Stars
  • Main title (can be after the stars or at the end)
  • Other actors
  • Crew (e.g. casting, costume design, music etc.)
  • Director
  • Ident again
The title sequence of 'Se7en' follows the same convention of title sequences except the director's title appears after the idents. This is because the director of the film isn't as famous as other directors such as Steven Spielberg and Quentin Tarantino.

Conventions used  in our thriller:

Fast editing, or editing matched to the pace of the intro, is a convention commonly found in thriller openings. We matched our editing to the pace of our intro and also to the slightly fast beat music we added to the soundtrack. We also tried to give as little as possible away in order to keep the viewer interested in to what happens in the rest of the film.

free gif maker

Our title sequence:

  • Ident (candimedia studio)
  • Stars
  • Title
  • Other actors
  • Crew
  • Director

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