Tuesday, 15 January 2013

RESEARCH-Timline of title sequences

For this excersise we found it difficult to find a programme where we were able to make a timeline which would have enough room for everything we wanted to list and also enough room for further detail, therefore we unfortunately were unable to create a timeline which included all detail and writing we would have liked and wanted.
For the titles of superbad the first thing that appears is the ident in the first 5 seconds, followed by ; actors then casting director the various producers and finally ends with the overall director, this opening title sequence was quite unusual as it only lasted a minute and a half which is particularly short therefore not all titles were shown implying they will be shown in the closing titles.

Generally the order title sequences will appear
Production company
Distribution company
Famous Actors
Film Title
Music Supervisor
Production Designer
Director of photography
Executive producer
Written by

because the two film openings we chose are particularly short, this means not all titles appeared in the most common order others did, this means that it is more then likely the rest of the titles will appear during the ending credits. however the Ident was always first and the director was nearly always the last thing to appear during the opening credits, films that follow the general title sequence are films such as the taking of Pelham 1 2 3 and Mean girls. 

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